I’m cleaning out my bookmarks and these are some of the ones I want to save for later.
- 7 Deadly Sins of Prologues, by Kristen Lamb
- 8-1/2 Archetypes You Should be Writing, K.M. Weiland
- 8 Habits of Highly Successful Young-Adult Fiction Authors, by Nolan Feeney
- The Eight Sequences, by E.M. Welsh as adpated from The Script Lab
- Forget the Cat, Save Yourself!, by James R. Hull
- Guide to Reading Microexpressions, by Vanessa Van Edwards
- Horses Are Not Machines: On Writing the Steeds of Fantasy Fiction, by Rosalind Moran
- How To Write a 1-Page Synopsis, by Sooz
- In Death Wiki, and Fall Into the Story (a blog for Nora Roberts / J.D. Robb readers).
- Jessica Brody
- Publishing FAQs, by PublishLawyer.com
- Story Structure, the Hidden Framework That Hangs Your Story Together, by Gavin McMahon (Diagrams, I love diagrams!)
- The Ultimate Guide to World-Building: How To Write Fantasy, Sci-Fi And Real-Life Worlds, by Claire Bradshaw
- Understanding Your Team: Who’s Who in Your Hundred Acre Wood, by Bernadette Eichner
- Word Count, Litrejections
- Writing Craft, by Various at Writer’s Helping Writers
- Writing Effective Loglines, by Gideon Sarantinos
- The Big Ol’ Genre Glossary, by Jennifer Laughran
- Fantasy Sub-Genre Guide, by BestFantasyBooks.com
- Genres of Books, by The Book Genre Dictionary
- Science Fiction & Fantasy: A Genre With Many Faces, by Amy Goldschlager, Avon Eos
- What Are The Obligatory Scenes for Genre Fiction, by Tara Maya