Research, research, research. Those of these that link to purchase sites are not affiliate links, just here for my visual reference if need to find it on the shelf. I tend to forget what all I have and, before getting most of my books on the Nook, have been known to purchase the same thing more than once. Therefore, I now have this reference list to jog my memory with the Nook vs. Hardcopy designation merely an aid for me to find the book when desired. This list will grow, and grow, and grow.
The Go-Tos
- 78 Reasons Why Your Book May Never Be Published and 14 Reasons Why It Just Might, Pat Walsh (Nook)
- Elements of Style, 50th Anniversary Edition, William Strunk, Jr. (Nook)
- On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, Stephen King (Nook)
- Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, 2nd Edition, Renni Brown, Dave King (Nook)
- What Every Body is Saying, Joe Navarro (Nook)
Many Others
- Author In-Progress: A no-holds-barred guide to what it really takes to get published, Theresa Walsh, Ed. (Nook)
- Body Type: The Enneagram of Essence Types, Joel Friedlander (Hardcopy)
- The Cosmic Perspective, 8th Edition, Bennett, Donahue, Schneider, Voit (Hardcopy)
- Creative Writing: Four Genres in Brief, David Starkey (Hardcopy)
- Creative Writing for Dummies, Maggie Hamand (Nook)
- Eats, Shoots & Leaves, Lynn Truss (Nook)
- Electronic Crime Scene Investigation, An On-the-Scene Reference for First Responders, U.S. Department of Justice (Nook)
- Feature and Magazine Writing: Action, Angle and Anecdotes, 3rd Edition, David E. Sumner and Holly G. Miller (Hardcopy)
- Forensics 101, 102, 103, Robert Jones (Nook)
- Getting Your Book Published for Dummies, Sarah Parsons Zackheim and Adrian Zackheim (Nook)
- The Gift of Fear, Gavin de Becker (Hardcopy)
- Howdunit Book of Police Procedure and Investigation, A Guide for Writers, Lee Lofland (Nook)
- Human Types: Essence and the Enneagram, Susan Zannos (Hardcopy)
- Imaginative Writing: The Elements of Craft, 3rd Edition, Janet Burroway (Hardcopy)
- No Plot? No Problem!, Chris Baty (Nook)
- Planetary Types: The Science of Celestial Influence, Tony Cartledge (Hardcopy)
- The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Ted Kooser (Hardcopy)
- Police Field Operations: Theory Meets Practice, 2nd Edition, Michael Birzer and Cliff Roberson (Hardcopy)
- Rock Your Query: A Simple System for Submitting Your Novel, Cathy Yardley (Nook)
Save The Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You’ll Ever Need, Blake Snyder (Hardcopy)
- Save the Cat! Writes a Novel, Jessica Brody (Hardcopy) Pre-Order 2018/09 due out in Oct
- The Story Grid: What Good Editors Know, Shawn Coyne (Nook)
- Type Talk, Otto Kroeger and Janet M Thuesen (Hardcopy)
- Write Great Fiction: Description and Setting, Ron Rozelle (Nook)
- Write Great Fiction: Characters, Emotion & Viewpoint,Nancy Kress (Nook)
- Write Great Fiction: Dialogue, Gloria Kempton (Nook)
- Write Great Fiction: Plot & Structure, James Scott Bell (Nook)
- Write Great Fiction: Revision and Self-Editing, James Scott Bell (Nook)
- The Writer’s Guide to Psychology: How to Write Accurately about Psychological Disorders, Clinical Treatment and Human Behavior, Carolyn Kaufman (Nook)
- The Writer’s Guide to the Courtroom, Let’s Quill All the Lawyers, Donna Ballman (Nook)
- Writing a Novel and Getting Published for Dummies, George Green (Nook)
- Writing a Romance Novel for Dummies, Leslie Wainger (Nook)
- Writing and Selling Your Mystery Novel: How to Knock ‘Em Dead with Style, Hallie Ephron (Nook)
- Writing Fiction for Dummies, Randy Ingermanson and Peter Economy (Nook)
- Writing Mysteries, A Handbook by the Mystery Writers of America, Sue Grafton (Nook)
- You Be the Judge, 20 True Crimes and Cases to Solve, Judge Ehrenfreund (Nook)