Despite what Donkey and my husband say, not everybody loves parfaits.
Layers, on the other hand, layers are good.
That’s my excuse for running behind on my self-imposed schedule.
Today, I’m supposed to be embarking on the actual writing portion of my work-in-progress and what am I doing? Layering. Plotting. Scheming. Plaguing my characters with Murphy’s Law. Tripping them up at every turn. Shifting misunderstandings into truly conflicting wants and desires. Even yanking away someone’s villainhood and gifting him with ongoing main supporting character status instead, because he’s agreed {glaring a warning at his character notes in Scrivener} to not shoot for main character status going forward.
While he sounds convincing I’m not 100% sure of his sincerity — behind me is a whiteboard on which lurks a triangle where he’s one of the three points.
It adds layers, though, so I’ll take my chances.