If you read my post on Let’s Talk About Death you might remember where I said we’d all look back on the blurb and laugh. If not, please go back and take a look. No worries, I’ll wait right here.
Back? Excellent.
That blurb alludes to about, oh, I dunno, at least ten individual potential manuscripts.
I threw in the kitchen sink and tossed in everything else I wanted the series to cover. Not the first installment but the thrust of the whole series. Over-zealous much? That’s a lot to ask of a single novel, eh? Good thing it’s fantasy …
Anyhoot, I’ve since done quite a bit of house-cleaning (not literally, here, folks, I hate cleaning the actual house) and have revised the scope quite considerably. Then revised the manuscript to suit. It’s depressing at how much ended up in the “later” pile, yet, exhilarating at how much tighter on on-point the remains have become.
Throwing in the kitchen sink isn’t the problem, it’s filling it up with stuff and then not realizing that water (read: plot) went right down the drain. So empty that sink, check for structural integrity, plug the holes, then open the tap and see if it holds water.