
This is what I think of every time I write, hear, or see the word “anima“. :0) Why would I be using that word? It’s one of the four components of life (and death) that I’m using in my reaper story framework.

From Grosse Point Blank (1997) at about 14:50 on our version, as quoted through Movie Quote DB.

[Part of a weekly therapy session.]


Martin Blank: So what do we do now? Do we talk about dreams, or what’s next? What’s the score here?


Dr. Oatman: You want to talk about dreams, we can talk about dreams. It’s your nickel.


Martin: I had another one about Debi.


Dr. Oatman: That girl you’re obsessed with?


Martin: Don’t you think “obsessed” is a strong word?


Dr. Oatman: Ah, recurring dreams of pain and loss for ten years featuring the same person? Yeah, maybe it’s… a bit obsessive.


Martin: I had one where I was that television mechanical rabbit. You know, with the, the… [mimes clashing cymbals]


Dr. Oatman: The battery bunny.


Martin: Yeah, I was the bunny.


Dr. Oatman: That sounds like a very, very depressed dream.


Martin: Really?


Dr. Oatman: Yes.


Martin: Why?


Dr. Oatman: Martin, it’s a terrible dream! It’s a depressing dream to dream about that rabbit. It’s got no brain, it’s got no blood, it’s got no anima! It just keeps banging on those meaningless cymbals, and going and going!

Written by Becca

Becca loves (in no particular order, ok, the husband comes first, probably) triking, Jeeping, her Spinone, her husband, and his Whinerarner (and we both greatly miss his sooper-dooper cutie-patootie of a mutt, Mia Mutt, and her Labradorable, Sophie). The universe presented an opportunity on a platter and, not being one to deny the universe, she took the chance to chase a dream by transforming from accidental geek to intentional writer. Though life now leads back to the cube world she plans to put even that experience to good use in her writing. {muauuahhhahhhahhh}

Now time for the shameless plugs. Please see also her site with her husband about their motorcycle (and some Jeeping) travels, Chasing Blue Sky, her site as a Real Estate Broker in Colorado, SpinOne Group, her site as a Notary Public and Notary Signing Agent in Colorado, and/or the Facebook pages for Lu C. FurL.C., and  Mia Mutt (Sophie was pre-this-sort-of-thing), and Pigasus Studio.